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Stuart SSM5 Shakers (Microtitre)

High speed, small orbiting action – ideal for microtitre plates.

Capacity for four or eight microtitre plates.

Digital selection of speed.

In built digital timer.

Accessories available for mixing microcentrifuge tubes.

Ordering informations:

SSM5 – Shaker, microtitre, mini

SSL5 – Shaker, microtitre, labscale

SSM5/1 – Tube holder for 1.5ml tubes

SSM5/2 – Tube holder for 0.5ml tubes

SSM5/3 – Tube holder for 0.2ml tubes


The SS:5 range has adjustable speed control between 250 and 1250rpm, the speed is shown via the bright LED display and accurately controlled by an encoder. The versatile timer can be set from 1 second to 9 hours. The unit can also be set for continuous operation. With the combination of high speed and a tiny orbit the SS:5 range has an ideal action for mixing microtitre plates and microcentrifuge tubes. Microtitre plates are held to the platform by a highly efficient non slip mat. Microtubes can be held via the purpose built accessory racks, available separately.


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